Associate Member Sponsorship Opportunity
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It is the goal of the South Dakota Wheat Growers Association to provide effective lobbying efforts and strong communication throughout the industry. We will continue to pursued industry improvements on funding for research, wildlife habitat incentive programs , nonpoint source water pollution, crop insurance, transportation and conservation practices. Our newsletter is distributed to approximately 5000 growers across the state.
In an effort to create strong coalitions with companies and suppliers that work with our members, the Board of Directors has created an Associate Member Program and sponsorship program. The new program will provide an opportunity for you to be a member of SDWGA which supports the responsible and hardworking farmers that contribute to the vibrancy of our great industry and actively participate in membership events.
South Dakota Wheat Growers Association offers (3) different opportunities for company involvement.
- Ag Horizons Conference is a cooperative 2 day event hosted by 7 organizations providing 20 educational seminars and exhibiting opportunity to interact with several hundred producers.
- Wheat Yield Contest is held in 7 Districts, recognizing 1st and 2nd place prizes for both spring and winter wheat.
- Wheat Advantage Newsletter that is highlighted in the Prairie Grains Magazine offering advertising opportunities 6 times a year and is received by 5000 producers.
Diamond $5,000: With an annual sponsorship of $5,000, this allows your company:
- $2000 – Ag Horizons $1750 for sponsorship & $350 booth
- $1750 – Seven (7) – 1/2 page ads in Wheat Advantage/Prairie Grains
- $1000 – Wheat Works – A Producers Advantage Field Forum
- $250 – SDWGA Associate Membership
Ruby $2,500: With an annual sponsorship of $2,500, this allows your company:
- $1750 – Six – 1/2 page ads in Wheat Advantage/Prairie Grains
- $500 – Ag Horizons $150 for sponsorship & $350 logo/link/booth
- $250 – SDWGA Associate Membership
Silver $1,000: With an annual sponsorship of $1,000, this allows your company:
- $750 – Two (2) -1/2 page ads & an Ag Horizons booth
- $250 – SDWGA Associate Membership
Gold $500: With an annual sponsorship of $500, this allows your company:
- $250 – Ag Horizons booth
- $250 – SDWGA Associate Membership
Copper $250: With an annual sponsorship of $250, this allows your company:
- $250 – SDWGA Associate Membership
"*" indicates required fields
South Dakota Wheat Growers Association
Caren Assman, Executive Director
Box 667
116 North Euclid
Pierre, SD 57501