December 3 & 4, 2024
Dear Agri-Business Leader,
The 2024 Ag Horizons Conference hosts invite you to be part of our upcoming conference. This year’s dates are December 3 & 4th, in Pierre at the Ramkota River Centre, with 4 keynote speakers, 20 educational one-hour seminars and AGAIN this year “INDUSTRY SEMINARS” to be held intermingled with our other speakers. Industry Seminars are your opportunity to share company information with our attendees. Cost is free, with a booth! Call me to book your seminar time slot at 1-605-224-4418. First come, first choice.
Four keynote speakers will discuss economics, marketing and industry issues. As in the past, the Ag Horizons Conference will be held at the Ramkota River Centre’, Pierre, SD.
South Dakota Wheat Growers Association
Caren Assman, Executive Director
Box 667
116 North Euclid
Pierre, SD 57501