South Dakota Wheat Growers Association

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Join us today and unlock a world of opportunities in the wheat industry.


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We understand how valuable your time is and that is why your involvement in South Dakota Wheat Growers Association is such a great choice.  Providing a voice for agriculture, and wheat producers specifically, is the focus of our organization.  Our goals are representation, communication and education.

REPRESENTATION:  It is our priority to participate in legislative issues all year long.  SDWGA provides a voice during the legislative session in Pierre and Washington D.C..

The National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG), your national affiliate, is continuing to represent the wheat industry in Washington D.C..

COMMUNICATION:  Through emails, social media, Wheat Advantage Newsletters, and regional Directors, we work to keep producers informed on the farm economy and how wheat can play a role in their operations.

EDUCATION:  Join us during our annual Ag Horizons Conference held in Pierre at the Ramkota hotel.  We are one of seven associations which hosts six keynote speakers and 25 breakout sessions providing information on the newest trends, economic insight and best practices affecting your crop production.

South Dakota Wheat Growers Memberships

Producer Membership Options

Producer Membership - 1 Year

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The price for membership is $100.00 now.

Membership expires after 1 Year.

Producer Membership - 3 Year

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The price for membership is $250.00 now.

Membership expires after 3 Years.

South Dakota Wheat Growers Association

Caren Assman, Executive Director
Box 667
116 North Euclid
Pierre, SD 57501





